


Legacy of the Vandi


A full 3D Role-Playing game for the PC and MAC that features a compelling and unforgettable storyline, memorable characters, superbly rendered-on-the-fly graphics, an innovative and extremely interactive battle system, and an irresistably stunning soundtrack. A definate must-have for any RPG fan.

Character Shots (Henk Bernhardt)
This is Leo, the brash Vanda knight protagonist. (77.7kb)
This is Dedran, Leo's best friend and mentor for many years. (74.9kb)
This is Layla, lovely lady and specialist in Light magic. (44.8kb)
This is Argos, a member of the Varlok race who befriends Leo. (69.8kb)
This is Kayliss, a deadly spy of the Red Devils. (52.0kb)
This is Vermugen, deadly axe-wielding rat-man of the "Plaegu" species. (75.3kb)
This is Minirva, the beautiful mermaid of the undersea kingdom. (40.4kb)
This is Morvus, a mysterious master of Dark Magic. Little is known about this dark character. (32.4kb)

This is Drakenvalt, an extremely powerful sorcerer and advisor to the Queen of Vanda. (64.6kb)

This is Granglefalcon, an insane and frighteningly strong High Templar general in the Vanda army. (78.6kb)

This is Nesceptira, one of the two generals of the forces of evil who fought against the Vandi thousands of years ago. (72.4kb)

Character Animations (Henk Bernhardt)
This scene shows Drakenvalt casting two fire spells at Leo, who blocks and retaliates. (1210kb) (MPG)